Tuesday, December 1, 2015



Here it is another of my favorite youtubers, is called handballvideo, and I suppose you will know what are he's videos about. In every video you can see some of the greatest plays in this sport. He has been uploading videos since 2013, and he have a series of videos called ''Best Of Handball'' that I love. There are 16 volumes for the moment, but the handballvideo still uploading some videos every month. There is a thing it's gracious for me : this man started writing in french in he's videos (because actually he doesn't speak), but after seeing most of his followers weren't from France, nowdays he writes in English... The funny part is that almost no lyrics to read. Well after say a thing that nobody cares, I show you the first video of the series ''Best Of Handball'', one of my favorites! Hope you enjoy !