Monday, June 6, 2016


This will be like a review and a conparison between the movie and the book of Romeo and Juliet. At the begining I didn't like neither but after seeing the film I can confirm that the adaption of the book that we read is much better than the film ... Anyway, for doing this task we will focus in some sections and talk a bit about them.

The first one is the setting, where and when does the story take place? 

In the book it is located in Verona, a town of Italy meanwhile in the movie it is in the United States of America. The town is also called Verona but isn't just Verona, now it is called "Verona Beach". Of course the two don't elapse at the same time ... The original story pass in the 14 th century and the new 6 centuries after, at the 20 th.

Then we can compare too the imagery, the symbols, metaphores ...

I'm gonna talk about the movie symbolysm because in the book we read there is nothing to stand out ... One of the symbols I want to highlight is the night, it represents that the love between Romeo and Juliet must not be seen by anyone and they need to keep that in secret. Two other important symbols are the water and the fire, obiously they are opisites. The water means the pure love between the two main characters, there is water in all the romantic scenes : in the aquarium when they meet each other, in the swimming pool where Romeo goes to speak with Juliet ... It means the freedom to, that's why Tybalt fall in a  fountain when Romeo shoots him, it's like this scene wants to show us that the couple of lovers will be free of threats, but we all know that's not true ... On the contrary of the water, the fire means the violency, the shoots of the guns ...
You can see some more symbols in the fancy dress party, for example: Juliet wear's an angel dress, because she is Romeo's angel. His cousin Tybalt is dressed as a devil, because he is evil and loves fighting. Romeo wears an armor like a knight, and with that armor he will defeat all the problems that push him away from Juliet. Paris's dress is important too, he is dressed as an astronaut, that represents he is in the moon and knows nothing of the current situation.

There is is diferent language

The book is writed in prose, with modern english, but the only character that speaks in prose in the film is the news reporter who tell us what's the story about. All the other characters speak in verse and it's a bit problematic because sometime you can't understand the dialogues.

Another diferences between the movie and the book are the objects and some elements that changed with time.

The most noticeable are the swords, in the movie they are guns, there is obious too that in the 20th century the people drives by car, while in the book they rode a horse to move theyself. Insted of two important families as in the book, in the movie the Montagues and the Capulets are two important corporations. The same happens with some characters that are not too important, they're "updated" in the movie for a better fit. Lady Montague dies of a depression in the book, but in the book she stills alive. Of corse there are lots of diferences, so I lend these ones here and I let you the find the reaming.

Thursday, June 2, 2016



This post is for everyone who got curiosity for this game and is too lazy to try it for knowing about it. League of Legends mostly known by LoL is the most played computer online game in the world. Every day there are more than 27 millions of persons playing it, and yes, there is an study that proves it. It was made in 2014, now the number has grown. But why is this game so popular? What is the fact that attract all this players?

League of Legends is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game, that means there are two teams formed by some persons, in case of League of Legends there are 5 players in each team, and they got a different role. For understand the roles must know how is the field where you play, it's called the Summoner's Rift and it is like this:

As you can see I've marked some sites with red, yellow and blue lines, these are the three lanes: The red one is called the top lane, the yellow one the mid lane, and the blue one the bot lane. If you pay attention you can see some pictures that have some monsters in it, this set of monsters is called the "jungle". There are too some structures in color red and blue ( There are a few unable to see because the lines cover them, that was a big mistake when I was editing the photo ... ). These are the towers, the inhibitors and the nexus. This last is the most important because if you destroy the enemy's one you win the game, that's the objective in this game. After have seen the map, now we can explain the play stile, and after that, finally I'll can explain the roles.

In League Of Legends there are exactly 131 characters called "Champions", and all them have different characteristics. In every game you select one of these champions and play with it, you'll start at level 1 as everybody and as much you will reach the level 18. During the game you should buy some items in the game shop with the gold earned in the match and upgrade you champions stats to deal more damage to enemy champions or just for resisting better they attacks. You can get gold from killing enemies or destroying their towers. The most important characteristics are the AD ( Attack Damage), the AP ( Ability Power or Magic Damage), the HP ( Health Points ), the Armor and the Magic Resistance. There are some more but they're not same important. All the characters have 4 different active abilities and a passive one that are stronger or not depending what you're upgrading. Every lane have one or more players in it with a different function :

The Top: The player who goes top must have a powerful character specialized in endure enemy's hits and survive after team battles. For make that possible he must upgrade the Health Points, the Armor, and the Magic Resistance. Some Top champions can also have Attack Damage, because it is good to kill the enemy or destroying the enemy buildings.

The Mid: Mid characters are specialized in inflict tons of Magical Damage to the other team, so, if you want a good mid champion it must have Ability Power skills and you must buy items that give you some Ability Power. It is dangerous to play mid because your character will be very fragile, the good part is that the enemy will be similar to you and have the same problems and advantages. There are some exceptions that can work in mid with Attack Damage, but they are just four or five about 131 characters ...

The ADC and the Support : This player is called the Attack Damage Carry, because it is the champion in the game that have more Attack Damage points and it carries the match with it. It have such characteristics than the mid but  is  in the bot lane with the "Support " a player who has the mission of protecting and helping him to kill the enemy and getting gold. The support it's like the top but without Attack Damage or any aggressive characteristic, his skills are in the most of the cases trapping the enemy, generating a shields or healing abilities. Depending the enemy the support must upgrade Health Points, Armor, Magic Resistance and sometimes Ability Power.

The Jungler : Maybe it is the most rare role in the game. This character assignment is to help all the lanes. It is always trough the jungle killing monsters to get experience points and level up. When the jungle sees a good opportunity, he goes to a lane and tries to attack the enemy form the back with an ambush. Their characters have some more Attack Damage than the tops but less than the ADCs. This role is just for experienced players who know about the game.

As I said before, the objective in this game is to destroy the nexus, but for get in there you must destroy all your towers of your lane, one of the inhibitors at lest and the two towers that are protecting the nexus. And that's it, see how much simple is the most played game in the world. I've forgot talking about some facts but you must played LoL once or twice to understand it so now i'm done. I'll leave a video down here where you can see a commercial of the 2016 season in Lol. In the video there are some moments where the people says GG, that means Good Game but is also used as "good job" or "nice".